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Introducing the RapidStop Tourniquet!

  Intuitive. Strong. Lifesaving.  INTUITIVE. The RapidStop® Tourniquet relies on key technologies to achieve rapid, intuitive and easy one-hand self-application. Application is even faster when a responder uses both hands to apply the tourniquet to a victim. STRONG. The RapidStop® Tourniquet achieves full occlusion reliably and rapidly. It requires only gross motor control, allowing self-application…

blog aero snake bite

John’s life-threatening encounter with a tiger snake

John’s life-threatening encounter with a tiger snake Australia has over 100 species of venomous snakes. For the 3,000 people bitten by them each year, an effective snake bite bandage is a vital first aid consumable that can save their lives. John’s snake bite encounter  On Thursday, 14 January 2021 at 9:35am, John* was bitten on…

Covid19 SCA

What you don’t know about Surviving COVID-19

“One-third of COVID-19 patients who died in Italy had heart disease”* As new cases of COVID-19 are skyrocketing, Governments globally are desperately working to stop the spread with what is becoming one of the greatest health and economic challenges of our generation. However, what isn’t being talked about is how these extreme lockdown measures that…

Covid19 Aed Post 1 updated2

What you don’t know about surviving LOCKDOWN

The majority of Sudden Cardiac Arrests occur at a home or residence (68.5%), followed by public settings (21%) and nursing homes (10.5%).*   Governments globally are desperately working to stop the spread with what is becoming one of the greatest health and economic challenges of our generation. However, what isn’t being talked about is how…


Introducing The Modulator 4 First Aid Kit

[ultimate_ctation ctaction_background=”#ffffff” ctaction_background_hover=”#ffffff” text_color=”#878787″ ctaction_padding_top=”40″ ctaction_padding_bottom=”40″ ctaction_padding_left=”40″ ctaction_padding_right=”40″ text_font_size=”desktop:14px;” highlight_margin=”margin:0px;”] Introducing THE MODULATOR 4 Series Workplace Plus Kit A COMPACT & VERSATILE FIRST AID KIT CONTAINING INJURY SPECIFIC MODULES TO SUIT ALL YOUR NEEDS & REQUIREMENTS. JUST ONE STOP TO TREAT ANY COMMON INJURY. [/ultimate_ctation] The injury specific module kit you’ve all been waiting for!…

Life Saved e1581657685178

WE HELPED SAVE A WIGGLE… well our samaritan 500P AED did!

Almost every week, we hear of a life saved by an Aero AED; however it’s not every day that one is used to save an Australian icon! Yellow Wiggle Greg Page was working to help the bushfire-stricken Aussies when he suddenly collapsed on stage. Grace Jones, a 23-year-old off-duty nurse, quickly responded by offering her…

Orange bubble

Save Lives This Restart a Heart Day 2019

Save Lives This Restart a Heart Day 2019 [stat_counter icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”12572″ img_width=”54″ icon_style=”circle” counter_title=”Australians who suffer SCA outside of a hospital every year… Currently only 10% survive.” counter_value=”25000″ speed=”20″] Find out how you can Save a Life today! A Guide to Defibrillators – How You Can Save a Life How to Share Video to Your…

Aero blue bubble

Restart a Heart Day 2019

[stat_counter icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”14797″ img_width=”100″ icon_style=”circle” counter_title=”Australians who suffer SCA outside of a hospital every year… Currently only 10% survive.” counter_value=”25000″ speed=”20″] Download & Share Social Media Assets! How to Share Video to Your Social Media Pages: Option 1: Copy and paste the following link: Option 2: Download the video and then re-upload it to…
